Things to do

Task - Create CC template tool in Smalltalk - Best case:

  1. User enters a ticket in the search with some key fields (job, DB instance, etc)
  2. Wiki search results are returned, along with option to use a template to resolve the ticket
  3. Smalltalk parses the ticket, gives user option to create template files for the change, TODOs are displayed as choices (if they can not be discovered in the ticket)
  4. Files are copied back to the right test environment, check scripts are ran. If successful additional test are done (update dmn config, build map, etc). CC is given to user to check and submit
  5. Wiki blog entry is create documenting that the user prepared these changes

Try ssh2:

	location: ''
	user: ''
	password: '', images are at,VERSION=development,VM=vm/

amber st

Before publishing this:

  • What if everyone did this - then I may not be able to continue posting pictures on dropbox - maybe just add a note of responsibility

Other possible projects:

Latest Workspace

2014-May-16 - Goal: Have the WYSIWYG editor to work in IE. Secondary goal is to get the YUI in this image to be up-to-date. Third goal is to make it really easy to keep this up-to-date.


  • Can one simply fix the existing problem with limited effort?
  • What new YUI features will help?
  • Other Options?
    • Aloha editor -
  • Maybe just change the order of the editors so the wiki editor shows up first (PRWysiwygEditor>>tabs) - IE users do not see the loading message until they click the Wysiwyg tab.

Update Structure Names

"One way to translate the title string:"

('this-title-should-have-spaces' translateWith:
									((String withAll: Character allCharacters)
										at: $- asciiValue + 1 put: Character space;
										yourself)) capitalized

May be better:

| name shouldCapitalize stream | 
shouldCapitalize := true.
"name := 'this-title-should-have-spaces'."
name := 'This---has lots of dashes.'.
stream := WriteStream on: (String new: name size).
name do: [ :c | shouldCapitalize ifTrue: [ shouldCapitalize := false.
		stream nextPut: c asUppercase] ifFalse: [ c = $- ifTrue: [ stream nextPut: Character space.  shouldCapitalize := true ] ifFalse: [ stream nextPut: c ] ] ].
stream contents

research scratch or look for scratchjr

2014-Nov-13 - Problems with persistence:

  1. An image running on the server continues to loose its source files (despite the changes in Image Persistency Problems), this causes PRKernelCodeExporter to be unusable, so exporting is done using Pier Kernel Export Using Fuel
  2. Importing to a newer version has issues since recent changes removed the classes WAStrictTransportSecurityFilterConfiguration and WAStrictTransportSecurityFilter, these can be filed in from an older version of seaside core
  3. In the image running Pier with viewable code and the corrupt seaside, use the code exporter to export the changes (steps in Pier 2.0 to Pier 3.0), this can be imported into a new image with proper seaside and visible code
Posted by John Borden link