Pier ToDo View

For quite some time, the interface for PierToDo has been lacking - it included the table for logged in users:

Title	             Points     Due Date          is done?
Task to be Done         1	3 January 2016    Complete   Open

The open link was a link to the task (tasks are similar to pages, but have a completed status).

The interface was also somewhat unwieldy. If one clicks the Complete link, the task disappears, and can be difficult to find, unless the session had timed out in which case nothing changes.

The reason for the Open link is that the Title could not be created as a link (creating a table with a command link is difficult if the text isn't hard-coded). The report would be created in advance, and then rendered. When a task is complete the report is re-created. One way to get around this is simply to create the html table directly in the render method itself. This is what is done in version 33 of Pier-ToDo.

One issue with this solution is that the Accordion is sized to be the largest table. If one has many completed tasks, then the page can have a large gap between the table of uncompleted tasks and the next page.

Examples used for this code:

  • PBHMtmlView>>renderComment:on: for html anchor goto: - a handy way to make links
Posted by John Borden at 7 January 2016, 3:59 am link