Pier on Squeak

Started with instructions from the squeak website:

Installer squeaksource
	project: 'MetacelloRepository';
	install: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside3'.
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside3) load..

The above finished successfully after ignoring several errors. Next loaded ConfigurationOfPier3 from http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Pier/Pier3/main, and executed:

(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPier3) load.

This took several minutes but succeeded in the end.

Following this, I could not connect to http://localhost:8080 - had to bring up the webserver with ??? - Not sure what to use for ZnZincServerAdaptor (what is used in Pharo for serving the wiki).

Later tried the all-in-one-image - it has a workspace with:

Creation of this Image:

This image was created by starting with an original Squeak 4.4 based image and then executing the following code to install Seaside, Magritte3, and Pier3. As a bonus, it includes *Parasol>https://github.com/SeasideSt/Parasol* and TwitterBootstrap:

	Installer squeaksource
		project: 'MetacelloRepository';
		install: 'ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser';
		install: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside30';
		install: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';
		install: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3AddOns';
		install: 'ConfigurationOfPier3';
		install: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns';

	(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser) project stableVersion
		load: #('Dev').

	((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside30) project version: '3.0.8')
		load: #('OneClick' 'Development' 'WebClient-Seaside').

	(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMagritte3) project stableVersion
		load: #('Seaside').
	(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMagritte3AddOns) project stableVersion
		load: #('Magritte-Json' 'Magritte-JQuery').
	(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPier3) project stableVersion

While loading this, several debuggers popped up with messages like:

This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these definitions:
  MJJsonParser class>>onStream:for:
  MJJsonParser class>>parse:for:

Select Proceed to continue, or close this window to cancel the operation.

Didn't find the server there either.

News on twitter says this is unlikely to work since there's no CI setup to keep it working.

Posted by John Borden at 30 May 2015, 12:26 pm link