Upgrade Wiki to Pharo 7

Upgrade to the latest version, one improvement is the Tag Cloud now works - need to add one for testing, and update the comments on Pier Components.

For documenting the upgrade, need to note that Google components were not ported.

Find a way to change:

text[punction]  [A-Z]

to the same without two spaces:

text[punction] [A-Z]

Try this code:

'Pier-Exported-Code.st' asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :stream || line count |
	count := 0.
	[stream atEnd] whileFalse: [
		line := stream upTo: Character cr.
		(line size > 3 and: [ line matchesRegex: '^= .*[a-z][?!.]  [A-Z].*' ]) ifTrue: [
			count < 10 ifTrue: [ Transcript cr; show: line ].
			count := count + 1 ] ] ].
Transcript flush.