Pay For MyBorden

Check AWS bill.

Deploying a full server yourself - DigitalOcean which starts at $5 a month - Start reading at: Running a Real Cloud Server

Maybe try clever Cloud instead, with these instructions, however based on the build details here, it doesn't appear that it has worked in a year. This looks more successful. The problem is that saving the image is probably not possible.

Another option is to run a linux server on AWS, however seems that the best idea is to setup a docker image with Pharo running. This could run on AWS. Starting with the developer intro.

Where to go from here:


  • Find when or how to make the wiki save to the importer again. Load into a new image, and add the workout logs

This may be useful:

ZnServer default logToTranscript.

Too much output.

2017-Jun-4 - Back to using AWS Virtual Machines - Agreed to the EULA and created an account under Mindy's ID. Created:

  1. Selected Quick Launch an EC2 Instance
  2. Picked Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS
    • Specs are: 1 Core vCPU (up to 3.3 GHz), 1 GiB Memory RAM, 8 GB Storage
  3. Was unable to connect to, even after the status checks showed success

2017-Jun-5 - Finally able to connect by going to:

  1. EC2 Dashboard
  2. Expand Network Security
  3. Select pier-WebServerSecurityGroup icon so its square is blue
  4. In the Edit window, add SSH from my IP

Had to install several pieces of software:

sudo apt install unzip
sudo apt install lib32z1

Research how AWS billing works

2020-Sep-19 - purchased a $34 reserved instance, it should start impacting my bill on Oct-7.

2022-Dec-10 - research Reserved Instances vs Savings Plans