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Is there a moose page - can this intro be added

Make an easier way to add links - i.e. Send a link to a mail address. See where this big data could go.

List of 12 programming books

Couldn't display videos like this on my phone.

Weed these PierWorkout Notes:

PRWorkoutLogView allInstances anyOne sortColumns:
	PRWorkoutLog allInstances anyOne columnNames
 	andDo: [ :e | Transcript cr; show: e ].

"Seems like having the interface select the next exercise you should do, as well as how much weight and reps would be cool.

A tutorial that could show how to go from the WAHtmlCanvas & MAObject to a displayed object.

Good references:
- *Magritte Booklet>*

Using asComponent works well (based on and allows it to be rendered correctly. For each exercise entry, it doesn't seem like a wise idea to have notes for each set, it takes up a lot of room and most sets don't have any notes that aren't PRExercise level notes. Remove this:

	^ MAMemoDescription new
		propertyAt: #public put: true;
		accessor: #notes;
		label: 'Exercise Notes';
		lineCount: 2;

Next task - Include the [Add] button to append the next workout. Tried this with a regular #button and #submitButton - it doesn't print anything:
			html submitButton
				callback: [ Transcript show: Time now ];
				with: 'Add'
It seems that the callback is only executed if it is inside an html form: block - like this:
			[ html button
				callback: [ Transcript show: Time now ];
				with: 'Show Time on Transcript' ].
Added PRExerciseEntry>>descriptionExercise and changed the other descriptions priorities so it would display properly. Now I need to find how to use the form changes to modify the next exercise entry.

Seems the exercise entry needs to implement #answer so I can use #save on the component. A strange thing happened with the same item being insterted in multiple workouts, added a send to copy to prevent that. Seems that nextExerciseEntry was returning the same object, added copy and updated the test.

Updated the code to guess the next exercise better (if there's one exercise, then do the same again). Problem is when I add one, it fails with:
	MessageNotUnderstood: Character>>+
	Your request could not be completed. An exception occurred.
Added #asNumber and this was resolved.

In my example data, there are 31 exercises.

If there is only one workout then just do the last exercise over again.

Create another private method which has a A,B,A exercise, so the next to be done is B, then try an A,B,C - next to be done is A.

2016-Mar-9 - Yesterday when running the tests, the screen was covered in debug messages, had to write the code to the local cache and close without saving. After loading the code found that it was just a missing pair of parans.

I may want to update all of my exercises to kg so its more international, and provide a way to swap in pounds.

Had to update the object directly to display the page:"
(PRWorkoutLog allInstances detect: [ :e | e name = 'test' ]) instVarAt: 8 put: OrderedCollection new.

(PRWorkoutLog allInstances detect: [ :e | e name = 'test' ]) setRecommendedWorkout: PRWorkout new.

(PRWorkoutLog allInstances detect: [ :e | e name = 'test' ]) nextExerciseEntry.
Seems like after adding a new entry, any other recommended entry for that exercise should have at least the same amount of weight.

What if a mistake is made entering a workout, added a remove link, however clicking on an entry may be better suited to adding it to the editor.

Example code:

A better way to browse the mail list archives (select the list and click on "Archives")