Improve Pier

Updates for Pier - Check if I have problems where these aren't Improve Pier ToDo and ToDo.

  1. Create a test site, and a video/post describing the steps
  2. Add a wikipedia page
  3. Research - Make sure things are up-to-date. Any recent changes to Margritte?
  4. Why do PRCodeblocks not work in Pier as I assume? These look like:
PRStructure withAllSubclasses size printString

New features to add to Pier:

Improve the Workout App (and Weight Lifting):

  • Check user input
  • Update the documentation for this
  • Links related:
  • See if location information can help
  • How should this react when an exercise outside the recommended exercises is done?
    • Current seems to remove the last recommended exercise - Seems smarter to insert the last sets of that exercise before the current recommendation
    • If you are just repeating the last exercise, should it stick with that, or depend on the number of sets?
  • For mobile use at a gym with poor connection, it is beneficial to display only part of the total workout log
  • Reset should de-default the number of days displayed

Pier Todo Usability Improvements:

Need to post about:

  • Update the broken link report so everything under a page can be searched (ie documentation)
  • When creating a new task, the time should be midnight (add the ToDo time change)
  • clicking Complete should have more feedback, like the button graying out or the item disappearing - maybe there's a JS button that would be better
  • create a contact app - keep track of google searches, FB pictures, keeping in contact
  • improve security for user generated content
  • Update comparing dates to using asDate yyyymmdd = Date today (adjust for timeshift) yyyymmdd - minimize the insanity
  • Usability:
    • Extend the timeout to at least 25 minutes - Updated under WALastAccessExpiryPolicy - found the entry under config/Pier -> Expiry Policy - See Seaside Timeout also
  • Seaside logging (experimental)
  • Try ChartJS for seaside

General Pier Improvements

Why Pier - It is important to own your content. The big problem with most information storage things (wiki, shared drive, sharepoint, oneNote) is that information isn't very good, it needs a refactoring tool:

  • Refactor a wiki - Swiki Notes, what would a wiki refactoring browser look like?

It would be cool to offer a button, [Refactor] which would:

  • Create links based on page titles, or contents
  • Rename this page if many links to it have different text
  • move text to other pages, or add text from other pages to this page
  • Break up this page into several pages and create intellegent links between them

The button would need to allow one to preview the changes and accept them if they are suitable.

Long-term goals:


Broken Links

Report generated on Jun-02 4:59 am

PageBroken Link

Report generated on Jun-02 4:59 pm

History SizeLimit
Health Check

Report generated on Jun-02 9:59 am

Count of Pages with Unusual ChildrenLinks with Raw HTMLImage SizeDisk Space
nonenone182.97 MB72% of 7.7G