*This page>.* is table of all of the components you can use in *..*, it has a few children so some of the components are more useful: -*test-components-child-page* -*test-blog* Several of the components below are simply screenshots to show what the component looks like. !Table of Components {{{html:
Archive}}}*archive|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}Displays the blog entries, would show ==no blog found here== if there was no blog, same for Related and Tags. See */john-c-borden/updates/example-of-archive* also. {{{html:
Links}}}*links|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}Provides an RSS link to the blog (specify the blog by editing it. Class is PBRssLinkWidget{{{html:
Cycler}}}Currently blank{{{html:
}}}Pier List{{{html:
Children}}}Children(context): *children|embedded=true* Children(static): *static-children|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}Selected the ==Dropdown List:== option in the editor, and ended up with a walkback. Changing the label to between Menu, name, title changed the text displayed (Menu and title seems to display the identical links).{{{html:
Commands}}}*commands|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}All of the commands one may execute.{{{html:
Link Path}}}/root/parent/self{{{html: }}}links from root to here - not loaded in 2013-Mar image, found in Smallwiki2 part.{{{html:
Navigation}}}*navigation|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}Displays parents, self and children - the filter in the editor filters out options, in this example only page is unselected (so it only displays pages){{{html:
References}}}*references|embedded=true*{{{html: List of pages that link to this page
Tree}}}*tree|embedded=true*{{{html: List of parent, sibling, and children pages as links. Unlike navigation, this can have sibling children expanded.
Views}}}*views|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}List of views user can use - for logged in users it is ==Browse Changes Changes (RSS) Diff, etc=={{{html:
Visited Pages}}}*visited-pages|embedded=true*{{{html: The last pages that have been accessed
Pier Search
Search Field}}}*search-field|embedded=true*{{{html: Text search
}}}Search Field (Ajax){{{html: }}}Couldn\'\'t get this to work - Missing JQWidgetBoxDeploymentLibrary?{{{html:
}}}Pier Settings{{{html: }}}These items are only view-able by admins{{{html:
File Settings File Settings }}}This allows one to re-define the base directory and base URL{{{html:
Kernel Settings Kernel Settings Sets the name of the Pier Kernel
}}}*../persistency* Settings{{{html: Persistency choices Choose the method of persistency used
}}}Pier System{{{html:
Credentials}}}*credentials|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}Link to allow users to change their passwords - this is only dispalyed for users that are logged in.{{{html:
}}}Export/Import{{{html: Import Export }}}Admin tool to allow one to export the wiki, or import an exported wiki file. This starts with ==Please select the importer/exporter to use:=={{{html:
Groups}}}*groups|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}List of groups, for admins it allows more to be added, and editing existing groups.{{{html:
Links}}}*links|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}In the edit menu, one can select a blog, and this displays RSS{{{html:
Structures}}}This generated a Seaside walkback: ==MessageNotUnderstood: WASelectTag>>beSubmitOnChange=={{{html:
System Stats}}}Previously this would print uptime, memory, etc. Currently it fails with: ==MessageNotUnderstood: SmalltalkImage>>vmStatisticsReportString=={{{html:
Users}}}*users|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}Displays the users of Pier, admin view allows adding/removing/editing{{{html:
}}}Pier Widget{{{html:
Batcher}}}*batcher|embedded=true*{{{html: Display links in batches
Book Notes }}}This has been removed from later versions (2.0 and later){{{html:
Content }}}Also removed in version 2.0 and later{{{html:
Design Chooser Widget
  • Book
  • Event
  • Default
}}}This is displayed as the items a list of links. After selecting one, the page opens with the warning: ==You will replace the entire content and design of the current Pier. Do you want to continue?=={{{html:
Document }}}This used to print the contents of a page, has been removed.{{{html:
Google AnalyticsNot Viewable}}}After you add this, editing it allows one to enter their account number for collecting data.{{{html:
Google Webmaster ToolsNot Viewable}}}Editing this allows one to enter their verification number. See also *../pier-and-google*{{{html:
HTML}}}*html|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}Displays the wiki title and page title.{{{html:
Menu }}}This generated an DNU for ==#read== for PRMenuWidget{{{html:
Randomizer}}}*randomizer|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}This allows random pages, images, etc to be displayed. It shows ==Please add children to this widget== until you add children.{{{html:
Table of Contents}}}*table-of-contents|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}Displays links to the sections - sections are defined by bangs (==!!==){{{html:
Tag Cloud}}}N/A{{{html: }}}When checked, this raised a nill DNU #findTokens: from ==PRTagCloudWidget>>tokenize:using:=={{{html:
}}}Seaside Component{{{html:
All Functional Tests}}}*all-functional-tests|embedded=true*{{{html:
Browser Browser}}}A four pane Smalltalk browser - be careful adding this: {{{html:
  • It will allow others to directly update your running code.
  • It will cause the page to lose its CSS format
Configuration Browser Browser}}}Options for updating Seaside setup. Appears to be identical to the ==Configuration Tool=={{{html:
Controller}}}N/A{{{html: }}}Error with nil receiving #server from ==WAVNCController>>serverInstance=={{{html:
Mini Calendar}}}*date-picker|embedded=true*{{{html:
Dispatcher Browser Browser Browser on the seaside configuration
Example Browser}}}N/A{{{html: }}}Raised error when removing an item from an empty collection.{{{html:
Example Component}}}*example-component|embedded=true*{{{html: }}}This is the parent of the counter, the browser, etc. It has no functionality.{{{html:
Multi Counter}}}*multi-counter|embedded=true*{{{html:
Pier Frame}}}N/A{{{html: }}}Raised an error removing an item from an empty OrderedCollection in ==PRDeepRenderer>>structure:during:=={{{html:
Screenshot Pharo GUI Provides limited interaction with Smalltalk from the browser
Ui All Functional Tests Tests JQuery testing page
Version Uploader Code LoaderProvides access to load code