Pier Components

This page is table of all of the components you can use in Pier, it has a few children so some of the components are more useful:

Several of the components below are simply screenshots to show what the component looks like.

Table of Components

(no blog found)
Displays the blog entries, would show no blog found here if there was no blog, same for Related and Tags. See Example of a Post Archive also.
(no blog specified)
Provides an RSS link to the blog (specify the blog by editing it. Class is PBRssLinkWidget
CyclerCurrently blank
Pier List
ChildrenChildren(context): Children(static): Selected the Dropdown List: option in the editor, and ended up with a walkback. Changing the label to between Menu, name, title changed the text displayed (Menu and title seems to display the identical links).
Commands All of the commands one may execute.
Link Path/root/parent/self links from root to here - not loaded in 2013-Mar image, found in Smallwiki2 part.
Navigation Displays parents, self and children - the filter in the editor filters out options, in this example only page is unselected (so it only displays pages)
References List of pages that link to this page
Tree List of parent, sibling, and children pages as links. Unlike navigation, this can have sibling children expanded.
Views List of views user can use - for logged in users it is Browse Changes Changes (RSS) Diff, etc
Visited Pages The last pages that have been accessed
Pier Search
Search Field
Text search
Search Field (Ajax) Couldn''t get this to work - Missing JQWidgetBoxDeploymentLibrary?
Pier Settings These items are only view-able by admins
File Settings File Settings This allows one to re-define the base directory and base URL
Kernel Settings Kernel Settings Sets the name of the Pier Kernel
Persistency Settings Persistency choices Choose the method of persistency used
Pier System
Link to allow users to change their passwords - this is only dispalyed for users that are logged in.
Export/Import Import Export Admin tool to allow one to export the wiki, or import an exported wiki file. This starts with Please select the importer/exporter to use:
userstmptext, kborden, jborden, mrborden, mborden
adminjborden, admin
List of groups, for admins it allows more to be added, and editing existing groups.
(no blog specified)
In the edit menu, one can select a blog, and this displays RSS
StructuresThis generated a Seaside walkback: MessageNotUnderstood: WASelectTag>>beSubmitOnChange
System StatsPreviously this would print uptime, memory, etc. Currently it fails with: MessageNotUnderstood: SmalltalkImage>>vmStatisticsReportString
NameGroupsSuperuserFirst NameLast NameEmail
jbordenadmin, usersfalseJohnBordenjborden23@mac.com
Displays the users of Pier, admin view allows adding/removing/editing
Pier Widget
|< << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 >|
Display links in batches
Book Notes This has been removed from later versions (2.0 and later)
Content Also removed in version 2.0 and later
Design Chooser Widget
  • Book
  • Event
  • Default
This is displayed as the items a list of links. After selecting one, the page opens with the warning: You will replace the entire content and design of the current Pier. Do you want to continue?
Document This used to print the contents of a page, has been removed.
Google AnalyticsNot ViewableAfter you add this, editing it allows one to enter their account number for collecting data.
Google Webmaster ToolsNot ViewableEditing this allows one to enter their verification number. See also Pier and Google



Displays the wiki title and page title.
Menu This generated an DNU for #read for PRMenuWidget
This allows random pages, images, etc to be displayed. It shows Please add children to this widget until you add children.
Table of Contents
    Displays links to the sections - sections are defined by bangs (!!)
    Tag CloudN/A When checked, this raised a nill DNU #findTokens: from PRTagCloudWidget>>tokenize:using:
    Seaside Component
    All Functional Tests

    jQuery Functional Test Suite

    Say it in Smalltalk, Do it with jQuery


    Seaside provides a complete integration of jQuery, allowing the use of the library without having to write a single line of JavaScript code. Everything can be configured and plugged together using Smalltalk objects. Try by yourself, by clicking through this functional test suite and by browsing the source-code.


    Seaside is a framework for developing sophisticated web applications in Smalltalk. It provides a layered set of abstractions over HTTP and HTML that let you build highly interactive web applications quickly, reusably and maintainably.


    jQuery is a fast and concise Javascript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.

    Browser BrowserA four pane Smalltalk browser - be careful adding this:
    • It will allow others to directly update your running code.
    • It will cause the page to lose its CSS format
    Configuration Browser BrowserOptions for updating Seaside setup. Appears to be identical to the Configuration Tool
    ControllerN/A Error with nil receiving #server from WAVNCController>>serverInstance


    ++ --
    Mini Calendar
    May Jul  2023 2025
    Dispatcher Browser Browser Browser on the seaside configuration
    Example BrowserN/A Raised error when removing an item from an empty collection.
    Example Component
    This is the parent of the counter, the browser, etc. It has no functionality.
    Multi Counter


    ++ --


    ++ --


    ++ --


    ++ --


    ++ --
    Pier FrameN/A Raised an error removing an item from an empty OrderedCollection in PRDeepRenderer>>structure:during:
    Screenshot Pharo GUI Provides limited interaction with Smalltalk from the browser
    Ui All Functional Tests Tests JQuery testing page
    Version Uploader Code LoaderProvides access to load code