Productive Programmer

The Productive Proqgrammer by Neal Ford. There are other lists and political steps of productivity improvements but this book is a step above.

Shortcuts for Mac Tips from the book:

Key Bindings in Pharo

Moving between windows. Started with a StackOverflow question, looking at:

World kmDispatcher explore.
KMCatcherMorph new openInWorld.

The final code was this, but System isn't recognized - changed to SystemWindow:

    bindKeyCombination: 29 command
    toAction: [ SystemWindow sendTopWindowToBack ].

Now atl- -> lets me cycle through the open windows.

Creating multiple desktops and shortcuts are explained here

Another key binding video

Better Command Line

Check out this, or this page on Git, Mac specific

If can demo some command line recording to GIFs


Smalltalk tradition let one have a list of the past copied text: Squeak-pic - how does pharo handle this?

Improve iPhone use